-Passing the exam is very important to all the students.It is a problem that faces some of them Iwill give you some pieces of advice to help you pass the exams.
-Here are some tips to help you.firstly,you should have a schedale.you have to organize your time.secondly,it is better for you to study hard and careflly.Dont cram your stady and begin stadying rarly before exams.
-Thirdly,you d better be motivated.you have to set goals to achieve in your life and do your best,Fourthiy,you can use rewards to mark your progress.you parents should play a role in encoarging you to pass the exams.
-Fifthiy,I advise you to concentrate well when you start studying-you can turn the tv off and also your cell phone.
-Finally,I think that passing the exams is the way to success and progress.I hope you can make use of these tips.
-Here are some tips to help you.firstly,you should have a schedale.you have to organize your time.secondly,it is better for you to study hard and careflly.Dont cram your stady and begin stadying rarly before exams.
-Thirdly,you d better be motivated.you have to set goals to achieve in your life and do your best,Fourthiy,you can use rewards to mark your progress.you parents should play a role in encoarging you to pass the exams.
-Fifthiy,I advise you to concentrate well when you start studying-you can turn the tv off and also your cell phone.
-Finally,I think that passing the exams is the way to success and progress.I hope you can make use of these tips.